Friday, October 1, 2010

R2 VLCD Day 13

Another .4 lbs down this morning and I even went out to eat at Tokyo Joe's for lunch yesterday (my boss decided to give me my review yesterday).  I have the best boss ever, seriously. 

Last night I was shaving my legs and somehow got my fingers in the way and literally shaved the tops of my fingernails off of the first two fingers on my left hand.  You know how when you bite your nails down to the quick and they hurt?  Well this is that same pain, times about 10.  It hurts so freakin' bad!  And then I fell up the same stairs that I fell down really hard the other day (the slate tile stairs that lead up to my room...the ones with the really sharp corners).  I basically caught the edge of the stairs with my toes and they slipped off and one of my toes got all cut up too.  I hate our stairs and I have bandaids all over me today.  I hate being so clumsy, lol.


  1. Yay for your loss. OMG, klutzy does run in the family doesn't it? Sorry about your boo-boo's. That does sound painful. I am soooo happy that Ingrid makes your job satisfying and rewards you appropriately. I was going to tell you that you are a great employee, but that would be selling you short. You are an exceptional employee! Love you, mommy

  2. OMGoodness, OUCH!!!

    So excited for your great review! You absolutley deserve it. ♥

