Friday, December 31, 2010

Round 3 - Loading Day #2

I stuffed myself yesterday with all sorts of crap - Burger King for breakfast, a Big Mac & 10 piece chicken nuggets for lunch, ham & potato soup with sour cream and cheese for dinner, and 3 old fashioned glazed donuts and a big bowl of caramel corn for "snack" at night.  I woke up this morning STILL full from the day before and made myself eat 2 sourdough pancakes and six sausages for breakfast.  Then I weighed myself.  Oh Lord, I almost started crying.  I weighed 168 lbs (up 5 lbs from where I stabilized at right before Christmas, and up 3 lbs from where I was yesterday morning).  I am not "loading" today - I don't care how hungry I get this week.  I'm not doing it.  I got down to 160 a few days after my last dose of drops and then went back up and hovered between 161-163 lbs and then finally stabilized at 163.  And then Christmas pushed me up to 165 and then yesterday...let's not even talk about yesterday. 

I'm going to re-set my weight loss ticker and forget about this horrible day.  I'm going to eat normally today and drink lots of coffee with creamer to help boost my fat intake but I'm NOT loading.  Oh I hope for great news on the scale Sunday morning.  I hope that I'm down into the 150's in a week or so.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Round 3 Begins!

Today is my first day of round three.  I took my drops this morning and forced myself to eat some breakfast even though I felt full.  I ate a huge fattening lunch even though I was still sick from breakfast, and now I'm about to make a big pot of coffee and have tons of creamer in it.  I know better than to say that I wish I was on phase 2 though - I know that in a few days I'll wish for pasta and bread again.

It snowed for basically the first time this year here in Denver.  It snowed one other time, but only about an inch and nothing stuck anywhere but in the grass.  They are predicting anywhere from 5 to 10 inches through today.  I know that doesn't sound like a lot to most people (especially my friends and fam in Coeur d'Alene who have had a ton of snow this year) but you should see the way some people drive around here.  It's retarded. 

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Getting Ready for Round 3

I'm a little nervous about starting my 3rd round - I remember how tough this diet is, but I'm not sure that I actually REMEMBER.  Kinda like how you remember how horrible having a baby is but don't really REMEMBER until you're doing it again.  Regardless, I'm excited to try to get this last 18-19 lbs off.  I think I'm up about 1.5 lbs from where I stabilized at the end of round 2, but that's not bad considering that we just got through the holidays.  1.5 lbs is NOTHING compared to the damage that I've created from past holiday feasts!  I'm flip-flopping between thinking I'll just do a 3 week round and see what happens with it - or forcing myself to just push through until the whole thing is over with.  Technically I could lose about 28 lbs to be down to 135 lbs which is where I would LOVE to be at, but I'm not sure if that will happen or not.  Anyways - I'm really excited to get back on this and get it DONE for good!
