Saturday, September 11, 2010

P3 Day 7

I've been on phase 3 for a week now and my weight has been up and down and all over the place...arg!  Today I'm .2 lbs below my LDW which is better than being 2 lbs over.   Some days I feel so full after eating that I'm certain that I will wake up to a massive gain and there never is a gain.  I've always equated gaining weight with feeling full, and losing weight with feeling hungry.  It's hard for me to get rid of the feeling that going to bed still full from dinner means that I'll gain in the morning.  I have a lot of thin friends and they get full after meals and they're still thin...I just can't get that across to my own brain.  I'm so grateful for this HCG diet because it's helped me to lose more weight faster than I've ever been able to before.  I'm in the 160's (high 160's, but the 160's nonetheless) and am looking forward to the 150s here in a few weeks.  It just seems to good to be true.  I got down to 166 lbs one time in 2008 but it took me a few months to get there, and as soon as I stopped dieting, I gained 15 lbs in the matter of two weeks.  I didn't understand the abnormal vs. normal fat, I didn't understand that all that weight I lost was just my normal body fat and that I would have to continue on the strict diet forever, or risk gaining it all back again like I did.  With HCG I don't have to worry about that.  It's not getting rid of my normal body fat (which is why I can't tell that I've lost any weight when I'm just looking at my face) and I've eaten a ton of oils and nuts and butter while I've been on P3 and nothing has really happened.  My weight has been fluctuating every day, but it always settles right back to where it's supposed to be.  I love this darned diet, and I'm ready for round two again!

1 comment:

  1. I too have a hard time separating feeling full and gaining weight/ feeling hungry and losing weight. Take yesterday for example. We were super busy and I never had time to sit down and actually eat very much at once. I was slightly hungry for most of the day. I woke up today with a 2 lb gain!!! Ugh! Yet other days I feel sooo full and wake up to either a loss or I stay the same weight. I wonder how long it will take for my brain to finally "get it".

    You're doing fabulous! I'm so looking forward to friday!! Yeehaw!

