Friday, September 17, 2010

R2 Loading Day #1

Loading day!  I thought I'd be much more excited than I actually am this morning.  Oh well, today I'm going to eat donuts, and pizza, and Aaron and I are going out to lunch.  Tomorrow I'm eating Sonic and going out for Aaron's birthday.  I'm kind of nervous this morning.  I take my first drops in an hour and for whatever reason, I'm having second thoughts.  Can I do this again? 

I guess I'll update later on my progress. 


  1. Of course you can do this again. It's only 3 weeks or the hard stuff....phase 3 isn't hard as much as it is a bit annoying and then you're done until the new year if you choose to do it again.

    Enjoy those maple barSSSSSS. heehee

  2. Second thoughts?? SECOND THOUGHTS???!! You better not be having these my daughter......I need you!!! Love, Mommy P.S, I want to email you with the chicken emoticon again and not the cow.

