Tuesday, May 17, 2011

May 17, 2011

My boss' mom sent me about 97 lbs of homemade baklava.  I ate 93 lbs and shared the other 4.  Thanks to HCG, I really didn't gain very much weight from eating all that darn baklava!  Renee and I are still hitting the gym - we're supposed to be going 4 times a week, but for the last three weeks I think we've only gone 3 times per week.  Things keep coming up (marketing events, baby showers, etc.) and we have decided that if something is happening on our scheduled gym day, we're just going to skip the gym rather than try to make up the time later.  I don't want working out to be something that interferes with the rest of my life.  We did legs night last night and so far I'm not sore.  Normally it takes two days before I feel sore from a workout so tomorrow I'll probably be hurting pretty badly.  I did 3 sets of 20 reps on the hip adduction and hip abduction machine.  Started off at 135 lbs and ended up at 155 lbs.  When I first started in February, I could only do about 20 lbs. I'm up to 40-55 lbs on the tricep machine (up from about 10-15 lbs) and can calf-press 205 lbs.  I have massive leg muscles lol.


  1. That is soooo freaking awesome!!!!!!! I'm glad you've been able to keep up your gym workouts. You are such an inspiration to me♥

  2. Damn girl! I can do 80 and 100 lbs on the hip adduction and abduction... did on Saturday was was still sore yesterday! Lol. You freakin' rock!

