Thursday, August 12, 2010

I'm ready...I'm ready...I'm REEAAAAADDDDYYYY

I got my drops today!  I am so excited (thanks so much Erica!) and ready to get on this.  I spent at least 4 hours last night ignoring my family and reading blogs and now I am PUMPED.  Tomorrow is my first loading day.  I'll weigh and all that jazz tomorrow morning.  I'm going to try to find my flexible tape measure to get some measurements, too.  Oh, and before pictures for sure (not sure that I'll post them though, it's kind of embarrassing).  Wish me luck!


  1. WooHoo! I'm so excited for you!! Definitely take your measurements! You'll be so glad you did. =) I'm aleady getting excited for my next loading days, which are Sept 15th and 16th. I'm going to take FULL advantage of them this time around. lol
    Oh I also saw on FB a few of your friends are on this diet as well, it'll be fun to see how everyone does.

  2. Good luck with everything Mia! I know you will be able to accomplish your goals :)

