Wednesday, August 25, 2010

VLCD Day 11

Only ten more days...woohoo!  I'm so excited!  I'm SO looking forward to the Sunday after next!

Breakfast - Coffee & Tea

Lunch - Chili & Cottage Cheese, Applesauce

Dinner - Garlic Shrimp (sans legs) and asparagus, Apple.


  1. You opted out of the shrimp legs eh? baby!


    Yay for only 10 more days!

  2. Yes, no more shrimp legs for me, that's where all the calories are anyways. Probably no more shrimp for me anyways because I remember just how much I don't care for shrimp every time I eat more than 4 of them.

    Notice my blog posts are getting shorter and shorter, lol. I've had to bring work home the last few nights so there's not much time to do anything else really. I think just one more night of at home work and then I might have a night off!

  3. It's all good. If you notice in my blog, there were a few times where I skipped many days in a row. =)

    That's no fun to have to bring your work home w/ you. =(

